Rob Wojtkowski

Men's Basketball Coach and Exercise Instructor


Contact Info:

Phone: 619.660.4506
Fax: 619.660.4524
Office: D322
Office Hours: T: 11:00a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Th: 2:00 - 5:00p.m.



ES 206  Intercollegiate Basketball

Course Notes:

Semester Days: MWF (2-4pm)  T  (1-3pm) Th (5-7pm); Units: 2.0

(Fall Semester Only)


ES 19ABC  Conditioning/Basketball

Course Notes:

Days: MWF; Times: 1-150pm; Units: 1.5

(Fall Semester Only)


ES 155ABC  Basketball

Course Notes:

Days: Thurs; Times: 7-9pm; Units: 1

ES 155ABC  Basketball

Course Notes:

Days: Fri; Times: 850-1045am; Units: 1

171ABC  Softball

Course Notes:

Days: Fri; Times: 1050-1245pm; Units: 1

ES 125A  Beginning Golf

Course Notes:

Days: Wed; Times: 10-1230pm; Units: 1

ES 125BC  Intermediate and Advance Golf

Course Notes:

Days: Thurs; Times: 10-1230pm; Units: 1

(Spring Semester Only)


ES 248  Intercollegiate Basketball

Course Notes:

Days: M-F; Times: 2-4pm; Units: 2

(Spring Semester Only)


ES 270  Cooperative Games   (short semester)

Course Notes:

Days: Wed; Times: 6pm-10pm; Units: 1

(Spring Semester Only)


ES 249  Basketball Advance  (short term)

Course Notes:

Days: WTh; Times: 5-650pm; Units: 1

(Spring Semester Only)